Taxi Rates From CMB to Spas & Wellness Centers

Popular Spas & Wellness Centers

Spa / Wellness Center Price from Approx Duration
Ahasya Spa 32,210 LKR 2 hours 20 mins
Asiri Yoga Retreat 28,050 LKR 2 hours 50 mins
Badora Spa 32,210 LKR 2 hours 20 mins
Bentota Ayurveda Center 20,780 LKR 1 hours 21 mins
Deergayu Acupressure Center 36,370 LKR 2 hours 10 mins
Good Spa Weligama 22,860 LKR 2 hours 10 mins
Green Chaya Spa 25,450 LKR 2 hours 30 mins
Helena Organic Gift & Luxury Ayurvedic Spa 48,830 LKR 5 hours 24 mins
Heritance Kandalama Spa 28,050 LKR 2 hours 27 mins
Kemara Colombo 9,870 LKR 45 mins
Pio Ayurveda Center 8,310 LKR 40 mins
Rukshan Yoga 32,210 LKR 2 hours 20 mins
Ruvee Nature Spa 32,210 LKR 2 hours 20 mins
Salon Keepz & Spa 25,450 LKR 2 hours
Secret Root Spa 32,210 LKR 2 hours 20 mins
Spa Sandeshaya 9,870 LKR 40 mins
Spa Secret Ayurveda & Spa 6,230 LKR 22 mins
Spa Station Midigama Massage Therapy 30,650 LKR 2 hours 12 mins
Sport Relaxation Massages Mirissa 32,210 LKR 2 hours 20 mins
Sri Yoga Shala 36,370 LKR 2 hours 10 mins
Swastha Ayurveda 25,450 LKR 2 hours
The Fort Spa 28,050 LKR 2 hours 50 mins
The Nature Spa 36,370 LKR 2 hours 10 mins
The Sanctuary Spa 36,370 LKR 2 hours 10 mins
Thrimal Ayurvedic Treatment Center 30,650 LKR 3 hours
Thusare Talking Hands 9,870 LKR 45 mins
Wave Flow Yoga 76,890 LKR 6 hours 22 mins
Yoga Reiki Meditation 25,450 LKR 2 hours 30 mins
Yoga with Asiri 36,370 LKR 2 hours 10 mins